Monday, February 4, 2019

Happy New Year!

It's Chinese New Year's eve, a time when families all over the world gather to celebrate - today, more than 300 million Chinese are traveling to be with loved ones.

Since we became parents, Chinese New Year has been one of our most treasured traditions - lucky red envelopes, decorating the house in red and gold, adoptive family events, savoring stir fry and dumplings and always, Peggy noodles. 

There's a little bit of a pang when this time of year rolls around, and the girls aren't with us to celebrate. We still follow all the traditions - it's just not the same.

The pain eases just a bit when I see how they are starting their own traditions - finding their own tribes, celebrating with friends, making new memories.  This is what the spirit of Chinese New Year is all about.

Happy New Year of the Pig.  May the new year bring you health, joy, love, and abundance.